Chevron Professionals Can Save Over $69,000 In The ESIP This Year

Use Your Benefits to Lower Your Taxes

Retirement may seem far away; you may have years, or even decades, of employment standing between you and it. However, the decisions you make today will significantly impact your retirement planning success. 

Chevron employees have access to a host of generous retirement savings options, including: 

  • Saving and maximizing contributions in the Chevron Employee Savings Investment Plan (ESIP) 401(k) (up to $69,000 for 2024, and up to 76,500 if you're over age 50) 
  • Shifting funds, when applicable, to take advantage of backdoor Roth contributions to get more money into tax-efficient savings vehicles
  • Reviewing tax implications and determining whether you qualify for, and would benefit from, NUA (Net Unrealized Appreciation)
  • Combining these strategies and planning tools to get up to a total of $84,300 into tax-preferential retirement savings ($92,800 if you’re over 50) this year! 

As you make financial decisions now, you probably realize they’ll have a significant impact on your financial future and retirement security. To prepare yourself to make these decisions wisely, watch the webinar now on maximizing your Chevron benefits by filling out the form.

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