5 Tax-Efficient Ways BP Professionals Can Save Over $70,000 in 2025

Use Your Benefits to Lower Your Taxes

As a BP employee, you may wonder how to make sure you’re saving enough for retirement or if you should be using different savings options to make the most of your retirement. 

While everyone’s financial situation differs, BP makes some generous retirement savings programs available to employees. Our specialized team has worked with many BP executives and professionals and compiled the retirement planning options they believe you should consider taking advantage of, including: 

  • Getting the maximum amount into your BP Employee Savings Plan  Between $70,000-$81,250 in 2025, depending on your age
  • Shifting funds, when applicable, to take advantage of backdoor Roth contributions to get more money into tax-efficient savings vehicles
  • Understanding how to lessen the tax impact of your pension and Excess Benefit Plan payouts
  • Reviewing tax implications and determining whether you qualify for, and would benefit from, NUA (Net Unrealized Appreciation)
  • Additional strategies and planning tools to get up to $85,550-$98,800 (depending on your age) into tax-preferential retirement savings in 2025

If you’ve built a career at BP, you should ensure you’re building a retirement future using the options it provides. Don't wait to save. Watch now by filling out the form. 

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