What to Consider When Facing a Chevron Severance

Couple with realtor signing mortgage contractAs a Chevron employee, do you know the retirement date you select can have a major effect on your retirement funds? Whether you're volunteering to take a severance package or are facing a mandatory one,  navigating a severance package after a long career at Chevron can actually be quite complicated. In light of the recent market swings and the various financial planning opportunities that can have a significant impact on your retirement savings, investments, and taxes in the coming years.

Let's face it: if you’re not thinking about how all these factors work together when selecting your Chevron retirement or separation date, you’re potentially leaving money on the table. 

How can you — a Chevron employee — make the most of a severance?

In this webinar, presented by Alexis Long, MBA, CFP®, we dive into how you can take advantage of financial planning opportunities a severance presents and focus on how to avoid selecting a separation date that could cost you thousands in taxes by pushing you into the highest tax brackets. We also address the most frequently asked questions we’ve heard from our Chevron clients.

You will not want to miss this webinar, watch it now by filling out the form.

Do you know someone who is evaluating a severance package or looking to retire from Chevron in the next 5 years? 

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